
The blog has mostly descended into a broadcast medium for the podcast, and I apologise for that. I’d thought at one point I might actually podcast the blog, but that never really came together. And, somewhere between tweeting and podcasting I’ve lost the urge/knack to blog much. I did mean to do the culture thing, but the discipline wasn’t there. I put it down to girls wanting swimming lessons, and lots of other things, none of which are likely accurate.

So, how have things been? Well, the dominant thing has been my recurring ear infection. Without whining too much more, I basically have tinnitus and hearing loss in my right ear. Not happy making, and the kind of thing that kicks the heck out of my ability/willingness to focus and concentrate on reading or writing.  I see an ENT specialist tomorrow, so I’m hopeful it’ll be sorted one way or the other (I’m hoping the hearing loss can be dealt with).

This doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy. I have. I’m getting ready to ink the deal on a new project, which is nice. I also have a lot of work going on for most of the other ones I’m involved in.  I do need to clarify one thing. While I’ve made references to the fact that there won’t be any more print volumes of Eclipse, at least for now, there wil be a new incarnation of Eclipse announced shortly, and I’m completely committed to that and a possible return to print at some point.

I also solicited some new artwork this week. Dylan Horrocks and Kathleen Jennings are sketching witches for me. There’s no set plan for using the art at the moment, other than simply enjoying it, but it was a great feeling to ask for new art to be created.  I can’t wait to see the sketches when they’re done.

I have also been planning travel. I will be attending the Australian national science fiction convention in Melbourne this June. I’m going to be there for a week, and will mostly be holidaying with friends and maybe doing a little podcasting, before getting caught up in the con. It should be a great time. I’m also working out my travel plans for World Fantasy in Toronto.  It looks like I’ll go via Dubai, which will be economical, but I’m very sad not to be getting to Sydney and San Francisco. I’m unlikely to head to Chicago for WorldCon, but that’s not impossible. But I should not complain. Melbourne and Toronto will be a lot for 2012.

There’s likely more, but time for coffee!

Episode 90: Live with Gary K. Wolfe!

And then we rambled… After several weeks hosting some wonderful guests, this week Gary and I just fired up Skype and rambled away about stuff: the Nebulas, some old Hugos, whether having a Golden Age at all is a good idea.  While we apologise for the self-indulgence, we nonetheless hope you enjoy the podcast.  Only ten more till the big one!

Episode 88: Live with Gary K. Wolfe and Ellen Kushner!

This week we invited award-winning actor, broadcaster, editor and writer Ellen Kushner to join us to discuss the excellent audiobook adaptation of her novel Swordspoint, which was recently released by Audible, her thoughts on the rise of audiobooks, and her many other projects..

We would like to apologise for the audio quality of some of the podcast, which is a little below what we’d normally hope for.  Our primary recording of the ‘cast failed, but we were saved by our newly installed backup recording system.  We continue our hunt for improvements, but in the interim thank Ellen, and look forward to seeing you all next week.