Buon navidad merry – ish

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, there was plenty of stirring, it scared off the mouse! Children were giggling, parents were wrapping, food it was bubbling, and no-one was napping! Presents were ready, children were too – it seemed it was Christmas, though it looked like a zoo!

Hope you and yours have a special, wonderful holiday season. We don’t mind if you’re naughty, we don’t mind if you’re nice, we just hope you’re having fun, and most of all that you’re safe. See you in the New Year!

More Margo (but not too much)…

Mark Kelly points out that Margo Lanagan is interviewed over at Arte Six, which is a cool thing. You should go read the interview and the book excerpt. I was particularly pleased to hear that she’s “nearly finished first-drafting the stories in the next collection, Red Jam, which is very much the same type of science fiction/fantasy/horror mix as White Time and Black Juice.” She also mentions that “I’m also rewriting the first novel of a YA fantasy quartet, which I hope to complete the remaining three volumes of in 2005.” Definitely happy-making news. If Lanagan isn’t the next big thing, there ain’t no justice in the world.