Absence of whining…

I like a good blog post as much as the next person, which is why I’ve not been inflicting any of the one’s I’ve drafted over the past week or so on you to read. There are the whiney ones (I’m sick, I’m sick, I’ve got the flu/virus), the complaining ones (I’m too busy, too busy etc), the boring to anyone but me ones (my kids were so cute at their dance recital thing), and the possibly ill-advised ones (I’ve actually done a complete set of Coode Street Awards, but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea), and so on.

So, what did I do instead? Memes. Pfeh on memes. I’ve sold two new books. This is cool. One is one that you expected, but I didn’t. After a very rocky genesis, I’m about to start sending out contracts for the fourth volume in the SF Book Club Best Short Novels anthology series. I’d really, really thought this one wasn’t going to happen, but it is, which is good. So, major thanks to Andy, Howard, and Sean for getting behind the book, and to Charles for his determination that it should happen.   The other book is also for Andy at the Book Club. I’m editing an anthology of six original science fiction novellas, tentatively called Godlike Machines, on the theme of ‘big dumb objects’. I think this one should be a lot of fun to do, and am about to send out invitations to writers. Should be fun. I’m also going to get clearance to announce the other project I’ve got going on. All good stuff.