It’s been a week…

…since I posted, which at this time of year is kinda weird.  Very mixed couple days.  Had two major writers drop out of a book project, and one possibly drop out of another.  This is a thing that happens, and I cast no aspersions at the writers in question, but it really does focus one on what’s happening.  What else? We watched Stardust last night. It was good, but I couldn’t help feeling that it wasn’t tight enough and that Robert DeNiro’s character just didn’t quite fit. The girls will love it in about four years, though.  Been chased by some weird bug or illness or condition or thing all week. Felt blech, and haven’t read much.  Got to see one story that I liked very much (not for a project, just let see it), and browsed through some magazines.

What else? Oh, having lost track of it somehow, I found myself with no time to do my year in review essay. This is because I was dumb as a post and forgot to do it.  Turned it around in a day and a half, and moved on.  Now it’s all 2008, I guess.  Busy, busy. There has been some big news here at home, but I feel like it doesn’t quite fit here. Not sure why, but suffice to say in amongst feeling moderately horrible, one good thing was happening. We bought more fish today, and a snail (!). Whoever thought we’d end up buying a snail? Life if weird.  The tank – The Hacienda – is now full. I shan’t relate all the names here, but Orangey (formerly Courtney) and Goldy are now one of a handfull. They seem busy in there.