Aurealis Awards

The Aurealis Awards are being announced as I write this (congratulations to everyone!) and I’m delighted to say that The Starry Rift won the inaugural Aurealis Award for Best Anthology. Margo Lanagan accepted the award for me, and this is what I had her say:

“I’d like to thank the Aurealis Awards judges for recognising The Starry Rift with the inaugural Aurealis Award for Best Anthology. Unlike novels or short stories, which are clearly the work of one person, an anthology is the work of a village. I first proposed editing The Starry Rift to Sharyn November at Viking in 2004. It took four years, stories from fifteen fabulously talented and very generous writers, a wonderful cover from Stephan Martiniere, work from Sharyn and her Viking team, and more tolerance from my family than you could possibly imagine. I’d like to thank each and every member of The Starry Rift village, because truthfully this is their award.”

I stand by that completely, but would add an extra thank you to the ever wonderful Sharyn November and Marianne, Jessica and Sophie.  Off for 10th Wedding Anniversary dinner now. The celebration is even brighter!

11 thoughts on “Aurealis Awards”

  1. Congratulations, Jonathan! The more you thrive, the more books you will hopefully bring us. Always the ulterior motive …

  2. Congratulations Jonathan. I am part way through Starry Rift and have really been enjoying it. From what I’ve read thus far it truly is deserving, you pulled together a great list of writers and they really gave their stories something special. The book was a hit during the recent short-story weekend I hosted.

    Congratulations also on your 10th anniversary. Time flies, doesn’t it? I hope you had a wonderful dinner and that you both have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Congratulations, Jonathan! Alisa and I were the ones very noisily cheering from the middle seats when the book was announced (we had such a ball at those awards, cos we’d read so much of the material!!!).

    For the record, Margo *did* say the above, and followed up with “and as one of the Starry Rift village, it’s MOINE too!”


  4. Many thanks to one and all for the congratulations. They’re greatly appreciated. We had a lovely anniversary, and then a fine Australia Day with the family.

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