Look back

Welcome to day 1,688 of Notes from Coode Street. I started this blog back in May of 2002. I was living in a different house, hadn’t edited an anthology since 1998, was still reviewing for Locus, had only just become reviews editor there, Sophie was only seven months old and Jess was not quite two. God life was different then. I weighed like twenty kilos less than I do today, read many more novels and much less short fiction and was, frankly, probably much happier. I think the happier thing has more to do with the 20 kilos than anything else, still it’s a sobering though in and of itself.

The reason I know it’s day 1,688, by the way, is I started to look back at old blog posts to refresh my memory about some things. Apart from noticing that I used to blog a lot more (that 20 kilos again, I think) than I do now, I also notice that every December I say how tired I am and how tough the year was. I’m now wondering if this is more a function of the time of year, than the year I just experienced.

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