There’s a lot of good free reading out there on the web. Lots of people, especially the good folk at SF Signal, provide links to a lot of it. Two stood out for me today. Some years back I spent a very pleasant afternoon at Charles Brown’s house, chatting with Robert Jordan and his wife Harriet. Jordan was funny, humble, and truly gentlemanly that day, where he spent some time talking about the final Wheel of Time book that he was about to write. have just posted the first chapter of that novel, as envisaged by Jordan and completed by Brandon Sanderson. You can read it here.
At the same time, the incredibly awesome Scott Lynch (who has a story in Swords and Dark Magic!) is giving his readers something to tide them over till his next book – a new novel you can read online for free!!! It’s called Queen of the Iron Sands, a pulp SF adventure set on Mars. I should totally ask him to write me a Mars story!
What else? I read Holly Black’s terrific “The Coldest Girl in Cold Town” the other day, and followed it with Pat Cadigan’s story in Poe. Someone somewhere should do a collection of her short stuff. Speaking of shorts, btw, I’m finally getting to work on The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson. I’ve been dawdling and delaying because of deadlines, but I’m delighted to finally be moving this one forward.